Latest news
- Thursday's Illinois Lotto jackpot the biggest so far this year at $17.5M
- Jury awards $25.6 million to Starbucks manager fired after the arrests of 2 men
- 'Gone and done it': Mom 'superglues' eye shut after mixing up eye drops
- Atlanta songwriter, music entrepreneur who killed his girlfriend gets life in prison
- Trump extremely 'scared' by federal charges, ex-chief of staff says
- Community of 800+ new homes coming to Kyle
- Free medical marijuana certifications at Austin Juneteenth Celebration
- After an Austin employee gave birth to a stillborn baby, she was disqualified from parental leave. Now, city leaders want change.
- Long-time St. Paul restaurants Alary’s and Fasika to close by the end of the week
- Stillwater: Stair closures set for today, Friday